Decision Procedures for String Constraints

String-related defects are among the most prevalent in modern software development. For example, in terms of frequency, cross-site scripting vulnerabilities have surpassed traditional exploits like buffer overruns. The state of this problem is particularly disconcerting because it does not just affect legacy code: developing web applications today – even when adhering to best practices and using modern library support – remains error-prone.

In this presentation, I will discuss work that aims to address some of the challenges that arise when trying to prevent or mitigate the effects of string-related defects. My dissertation work focuses on providing a constraint solving interface for a wide range of client applications. A client program analysis can use that interface to reason about strings in the same way it might use a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver to reason about binary state. The work identifies a set of string constraints that (a) captures common programming language constructs, and (b) permits effective solving algorithms. I will also talk about the BEK project, which is joint work with researchers at MSR and UC Berkeley. The BEK project provides a domain-specific programming language that directly captures a commonly-used class of string sanitization functions, and allows for deep semantic checks on functions written in the language. Taken together, the string constraint solving work and the BEK project represent a compelling first step toward the precise modeling of code that manipulates string values.

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Speaker Details

Pieter is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Virginia, advised by Westley Weimer. Pieter’s research focuses on automated reasoning techniques for string constraints, with an emphasis on scalable constraint solvers for use in static analysis and automated testing.
He received his M.S. from UVa in 2008, and a B.A. from Colgate University in 2006. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation, titled ‘Decision Procedures for String Constraints,’ in the spring of 2012.

Pieter Hooimeijer
University of Virginia