Distributed Multi-robot Exploration and Mapping

Efficient exploration of unknown environments is a fundamental problem in multi-robot coordination. As autonomous exploration and map building becomes increasingly robust on single robots, the next challenge is to extend these techniques to large teams of robots. In this talk I will give an overview of our approach to multi-robot exploration and mapping, which we developed within the CentiBOTS project. This project aimed at fielding 100 robots in an indoor exploration and surveillance task.

A general solution to distributed exploration must consider some difficult issues, including limited communication between robots, no assumptions about relative start locations of the robots, and dynamic assignments of processing tasks. The focus of this talk will be on our current solutions to the problems of robot localization, map building, and coordinated exploration. As part of the CentiBots project, our system was evaluated rigorously by an outside team. We present results from this evaluation that demonstrate that the system is highly robust and that the maps generated by our robots are more accurate than maps generated by a human.

Speaker Details

Dieter Fox is Associate Professor and Director of the Robotics and State Estimation Lab in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at the University of Washington, Seattle. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Bonn, Germany. Before joining UW, he spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the CMU Robot Learning Lab. His research focuses on probabilistic state estimation in robotics and activity recognition. Along with his colleagues, he introduced particle filters as a powerful tool for state estimation in robotics. More recently, he showed how to use hierarchical dynamic Bayesian networks and relational statistical learning techniques in order to extract high-level activity information from raw sensor data. Fox received various awards for his research, including an NSF CAREER award and best paper awards at major robotics (IROS-98, ICRA-00) and artificial intelligence conferences (AAAI-98, AAAI-04).

Dieter Fox
University of Washington