Faculty Summit 2016 – Supporting Big Tasks Through Microtasks

Online, networked societies have embarked on a massive shift to take work online. Increasingly, computers are not just helping people get work done, but also helping them figure out what to do, with whom, and when. This shift is being supported by the algorithmic decomposition, structuring, and allocation of tasks. The transformation of information work into micro-work creates an opportunity for people to accomplish small but meaningful tasks that contribute towards larger goals in short bursts of time from their mobile devices. Additionally, micro-work enables individuals and automated processes to efficiently and easily work together to complete tasks that currently seem impossible to automate.


Chair: Andres Monroy-Hernandez (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research | slides (opens in new tab)

Andres Monroy Hernandez, Michael Bernstein, Jeff Bigham, Jaime Teevan, Edith Law
Microsoft, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, Microsoft, University of Waterloo

Series: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit