Finding Needles in Exponential Haystacks

Let S1,…,Sn be subsets of 1,…n. A quarter century ago I showed that there is a two-coloring of the vertices so that all sets have discrepancy at most K√n, K an absolute constant. The colors χ(j) are +1,-1 and discrepancy is the absolute value of the sum of the colors. In matrix terms, given an n by n matrix A with all coefficients in [-1,+1] there is a vector x with values -1,+1 so that Ax has L-infinity norm at most K√n].) I had long conjectured that there would not be an algorithm to find such a coloring. Very recently Nikhil Bansal (IBM) has found an algorithm, which I shall describe. At its heart it uses Semidefinite Programming. The colors χ(j) “float” in [-1,+1], each performing a discretized Brownian motion until being caught by the boundary. Unlike the recent Moser-Tardos work on the Lovasz Local Lemma, this does not provide a new proof – the known arguments are used to prove feasibility of certain Semidefinite Programs. Along the way, this provides a fresh view of the original argument via a “cost equation.”

Speaker Details

Joel Spencer is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Courant Institute. His interests lie at the intersection of Discrete Math and Theoretical Computer Science. His books include Ramsey Theory (with Graham and Rothschild), The Probabilistic Method (with Alon), and, about to appear, The Strange Logic of Random Graphs.

Joel Spencer