Opportunities and Challenges in Sensing, Inference and Context-aware Computing

Small computing devices are increasingly being equipped with sensors, large storage capacities, and capable, low-power processors. When combined with recent advances in statistical modeling techniques that are able to infer more about individuals and their environment than ever before, these advances are bringing about the context-awareness that has always been a key part of making ubiquitous computing successful. In this talk, I will illustrate opportunities as well as research challenges in the context-aware computing space by describing a number of ongoing research projects at Intel Research Seattle. Topics include mobile sensing platforms, techniques for activity inference, and the use of context in a variety of application domains including health and wellness.

Speaker Details

Anthony LaMarca is the associate director of Intel Research Seattle. His research interests include location technologies, ubiquitous computing, distributed systems and human-centered design. He most recently led the Place Lab project which sought to enable wide-scale device positioning using radio beacons. He has a BS in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley and an MS and PhD in computer science from the University of Washington. He can be contacted at anthony.lamarca@intel.com.

Anthony LaMarca
Intel Research Seattle