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Microsoft Security

Helping security professionals do more, better

I’m on my way to the RSA Conference in San Francisco, California, and am looking forward to connecting with our customers and partners there. We have a lot to talk about. Last week, Ann Johnson announced two new services that we now offer to help empower our customers as they deal with the industry-wide cybersecurity talent crunch: Microsoft Azure Sentinel and Microsoft Threat Experts. Today, I’m excited to share more news about our work in security.

Leading integration across the industry

In the face of the cybersecurity talent shortage, our customers are increasingly reliant on their tools working together. We are part of a broad, heterogeneous ecosystem of technology providers, and we take seriously our responsibility to lead integration across them.

We’ve made progress to report on three fronts:

Added security controls for Azure and Microsoft 365

In our own security products, we continue to invest heavily in capabilities that take advantage of the cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) to empower your team and let them focus on the most important tasks to protect against threats and keep information secure. We made several key strides in security to strengthen protection for our customers:

Securing the Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT deployments can help organizations cut costs with predictive maintenance or to create new revenue streams from connected products. Unfortunately, the security pro talent shortage makes it difficult to successfully plan the IoT security controls necessary. We worked with the Industrial Internet Consortium to produce a new IoT Security Maturity Model that provides clear industry best practices for evaluating your IoT risk profile and planning the remediation you need. We’ve also added a new deployment method to Azure Sphere to help you reduce risk across your entire fleet of IoT devices. The new guardian modules built on Azure Sphere bring the security of Azure Sphere to brownfield IoT devices, allowing your business groups to complete IoT deployments without increasing risk for your organization.

Connect with us at RSA

I’m proud to be part of the team driving all this innovation, but technology is not a silver bullet. Its role is simply to empower you—the defenders. On Wednesday, March 6, at 10:30 AM PST, Ann Johnson will speak in her keynote about other ways we, as an industry, can empower people. I encourage you to attend, if you’re at the conference. You can learn more about Microsoft security at booth 6059. We’d love to connect with you there, or in one of the sessions we’ll be leading—find out more about our activities at