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Microsoft threat intelligence presented at CyberWarCon 2022 

April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather.

  • BROMINE is now tracked as Ghost Blizzard
  • DEV-0401 is now tracked as Cinnamon Tempest
  • GALLIUM is now tracked as Granite Typhoon
  • DEV-0062 is now tracked as Storm-0062
  • ZINC is now tracked as Diamond Sleet

To learn about how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and to get a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy.

At CyberWarCon 2022, Microsoft and LinkedIn analysts presented several sessions detailing analysis across multiple sets of actors and related activity. This blog is intended to summarize the content of the research covered in these presentations and demonstrates Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center’s (MSTIC) ongoing efforts to track threat actors, protect customers from the associated threats, and share intelligence with the security community.

The CyberWarCon sessions summarized below include:

MSTIC consistently tracks threat actor activity, including the groups discussed in this blog, and works across Microsoft Security products and services to build detections and improve customer protections. As with any observed nation-state actor activity, Microsoft has directly notified customers that have been targeted or compromised, providing them with the information they need to help secure their accounts. Microsoft uses DEV-#### designations as a temporary name given to an unknown, emerging, or a developing cluster of threat activity, allowing MSTIC to track it as a unique set of information until we reach a high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the activity. Once it meets the criteria, a DEV is converted to a named actor.

They are still berserk: Recent activities of BROMINE

BROMINE overlaps with the threat group publicly tracked as Berserk Bear. In our talk, MSTIC provided insights into the actor’s recent activities observed by Microsoft. Some of the recent activities presented include:

Overall, our findings continue to demonstrate that BROMINE is an elusive threat actor with a variety of potential objectives, yet sporadic insights from various organizations, including Microsoft, demonstrate there is almost certainly more to find. Additionally, our observations show that as a technology platform provider, threat intelligence enables Microsoft’s ability to protect both enterprises and consumers and disrupt threat activity affecting our customers.

The phantom menace: A tale of China-based nation state hackers

Over the past few years, MSTIC has observed a gradual evolution of the TTPs employed by China-based threat actors. At CyberWarCon 2022, Microsoft analysts presented their analysis of these trends in Chinese nation-state actor activity, covering:

As demonstrated in the presentation, China-based threat actors have targeted entities nearly globally, employing techniques and using different methodologies to make attribution increasingly harder. Microsoft analysts assess that China’s cyber operations will continue to move along their geopolitical agenda, likely continuing to use some of the techniques mentioned in the presentation to conduct their intelligence collection. The graphic below illustrates how quickly we observe China-based threat actors and others exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities and then those exploits becoming broadly available in the wild.

Chart showing that after a vulnerability is publicly disclosed, it takes only 14 days on average for an exploit to be available in wild, 60 days for POC code to be released on GitHub, and 120 days for the exploit to be available in scanning tools.
Figure 1. The speed and scale of vulnerability exploitation. Image source: Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2022

ZINC weaponizing open-source software

In this talk, Microsoft and LinkedIn analysts detail recent activity of a North-Korea based nation-state threat actor we track as ZINC. Analysts detailed the findings of their investigation (previously covered in this blog) and walked through the series of observed ZINC attacks that targeted 125 different victims spanning 34 countries, noting the attacks appear to be motivated by traditional cyber-espionage and theft of personal and corporate data. A few highlights include:

Diagram showing end-to-end attack chain of a ZINC attack, from initial compromise and execution, to persistence, command and control, discovery, and collection
Figure 2. ZINC attack chain.  Read more in our detailed blog: ZINC weaponizing open-source software.

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, Microsoft strives to continuously improve security for all, through collaboration with customers and partners and by sharing our research with the larger security community. We would like to extend our thanks to CyberWarCon and LinkedIn for their community partnership.