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Microsoft Secure Blog Staff Posts

Microsoft Secure Blog Staff

Securing the modern workplace with Microsoft 365 threat protection – part 4 

This post is authored by Debraj Ghosh, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft 365 Security.  Responding to ransomware in the Modern Workplace Over the last few weeks, we have shared the roots of Microsoft 365 threat protection and how Microsoft 365 threat protection helps protect against and detect a modern ransomware attack. Today, we conclude our […]

1 minute read

The final compliance countdown: Are you ready for GDPR? 

On May 25, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the Data Protection Directive as the new standard on data privacy for all organizations that do business with European Union (EU) citizens.[1] When GDPR goes into effect, government agencies and organizations that control, maintain, or process information involving EU citizens will be required to comply […]

Securing the modern workplace with Microsoft 365 threat protection – part 3 

This post is authored by Debraj Ghosh, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft 365 Security.  Detecting ransomware in the modern workplace Over the last two weeks, we have shared with you the roots of Microsoft 365 threat protection and how Microsoft 365 threat protect helps protect the modern workplace from ransomware. This week, we discuss how […]

Securing the modern workplace with Microsoft 365 threat protection – part 2 

This post is authored by Debraj Ghosh, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft 365 Security.  Protecting the modern workplace against Ransomware Last week, we shared the roots of Microsoft 365 threat protection. This week, we want to share how Microsoft 365 threat protection services work together to help organizations protect themselves. Figure 1 is a graphical […]

4 min read

Securing the modern workplace with Microsoft 365 threat protection – part 1 

This post is authored by Debraj Ghosh, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft 365 Security.  The roots of Microsoft 365 threat protection Over the next few weeks, we’ll introduce you to Microsoft 365’s threat protection services and demonstrate how Microsoft 365’s threat protection leverages strength of signal, integration, machine learning and AI to help secure the […]