The challenges of adopting a consistent cybersecurity framework in the insurance industry
How the U.S. insurance industry is aligning behind a cybersecurity framework in a fragmented, state-by-state, regulatory environment.
How the U.S. insurance industry is aligning behind a cybersecurity framework in a fragmented, state-by-state, regulatory environment.
Cybersecurity hygiene is about maintaining cyberhealth by developing and implementing a set of tools, policies, and practices to increase your organization’s resiliency in the face of attacks and exploits.
This is the last post in our eight-blog series on deploying Intelligent Security scenarios. In this post, we explain how Microsoft 365 security solutions enable you to manage security compliance processes.
In this blog, Jonathan Trull shares methods he uses to prioritize where and how he spends his resources to achieve the largest security improvements.
In my last blog, we looked at five communication techniques that can help engage business managers in the work of cybersecurity. This week, we’ll look at how to use those techniques to bring the C-Suite into the conversation.
With the U.S. midterm elections rapidly approaching, campaigns must be vigilant in protecting against cyberattacks to their online collaboration tools, including email. Microsoft has compiled a list of 10 high-impact, easy-to-implement security settings that any campaign or election organization should consider for increased security in Microsoft 365.
Learn how Walmart embraced the cloud with Azure Active Directory.
Find out how Office 365 learned to mitigate phishing attacks.
In this post we address the question: “How do we make data gravity a reality in the security operations center (SOC) while we are under increased and constant pressure from motivated threat actors?
This year at Ignite, Microsoft announces exciting innovations in identity management, information protection, threat protection, security management, and more.
There is tremendous opportunity to use AI—particularly machine learning—to improve the efficacy of cybersecurity, the detection of hackers, and even prevent attacks before they occur.
How can we build the SOC of tomorrow? By respecting the law of data gravity. If we can perform security analytics close to where the data already is, we can increase the speed of response.