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Microsoft Translator Blog

Collaborative Translations: Announcing the next version of Microsoft Translator technology – V2 APIs

There have been many stories about brain vs. brawn. More recently, the human brain and computer brawn have been pitted against each other in arenas such as one-on-one chess. We all have been hearing about applying large amounts of computing power to solve problems like translation by sheer force. As a high-performance cloud service offered by Microsoft, we continue to….

MIX MIX MIX… and some late night goodies

It’s nearly midnight in Seattle. The team is heads down in preparing the service for MIX 2010… I am sitting in the office wondering which of my 100 to-do items I should tackle next. So, naturally, I do something that’s not on that list. Something fun. 🙂 As I mentioned in my earlier post, MIX is our favorite conference and….

“Anywhere” Translations

Nearly a year ago Microsoft Translator unveiled an innovative new approach to translating web pages – one that enabled webmasters to bring the power of automatic machine translation to their sites with a snippet of java script. Unlike any other quick and easy solution out there at that time, the Microsoft Translator webpage widget integrated the translation experience into your….

Announcement: New languages added to Microsoft Translator (and Bing Translator)

A little while ago I was asked to figure out a solution to a user experience problem that was affecting some of our offerings such as the Bing text and web page translators. A “bug” was assigned to me, asking me to weigh in on how to deal with a problem of plenty: Given we were about to add a….