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Microsoft Translator Blog

The Translator Web Widget will be retired soon

The Translator Web Widget will be retired on July 31, 2019. Beginning July 31st, the widget will no longer translate your webpages.

There are several ways you can continue to use Microsoft Translator’s advanced neural machine translation to translate your websites.

Web Translator: The quickest and simplest way to add translations to your site is using the free Microsoft Translator Web Translator, which is a web application that displays web pages in foreign languages. Web Translator was built to enable page translations from the Bing Search and services, but it can be a simple way to add translation for small businesses, bloggers, non-profits, or other cost and IT support-constrained organizations. To use Web Translator, simply add a link to your site that directs the user to the translated page in Web Translator.

CMS plugins: Translate your site by adding a plugin to your site’s content management system (CMS) or web hosting platform. If a native plugin for your website’s CMS or web hosting platform exists (such as for WordPress), you can add translation to your site without any coding. Just download the plugin from your CMS dashboard. If a native plugin does not exist, you copy and paste a simple code snippet to your website (in the same way you added the Translator Web Widget’s code snippet) to add translation capabilities.

CMS platforms with integrated translation support: If you are already using a CMS with native support of the Translator API, you can easily add translation to your website by selecting translation in the CMS settings. For instance, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) natively supports Microsoft Translator integration.

Direct integration of the Microsoft Translator API: Integrate the Translator Text API into your CMS or website. This will require a developer to add the code in the correct programming language of your site or CMS.

Visit to learn more about translating your website with Microsoft Translator. There you will find more details about each of the option above, including a side by side comparisons of each option’s capabilities.