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Microsoft Translator Blog

Have you tried the Translator AddIn?

The Translator Add-in can be added to any web page and makes it really easy for visitors to quickly translate the page into any one of our supported languages. The translation is conveniently displayed side-by-side with the original page so that both original and translated languages are available to the reader. There are also other display options available to try….

Translation powered by….Microsoft Translator!

Our team is celebrating a major milestone today – last week we successfully transitioned all of our translation services to technology developed right here in Microsoft Research!  As some of you may have noticed, up until last week, some of our languages were still supported by a third party technology for general domain requests.  Here’s the summary of what this….

Windows Live Messenger translation bot now available!

  The Microsoft Translator team is excited to announce the new translation bot for Windows Live Messenger! This Messenger bot does translations for you. Just add to your contacts and start chatting. You can have one-on-one conversations with the bot, or you can invite a friend and chat in different languages with the bot translating for you.  As usual,….

IE8 Beta 2 – Translation Accelerator

Last week the Internet Explorer team announced the Beta 2 release of IE8 (you can download it here).  This is great news for users of translation services, because IE8 incorporates translation directly into your browsing experience!  No need to cut and paste text from the site you are viewing into our landing page.  You now have ready access to the….

Statistical Machine Translation – Guest Blog (Updated with additional paper)

Will Lewis is a program manager on the Microsoft Translator team, working on language quality and data acquisition.  Today’s guest blog is a high level explanation of how the engine works:   As many of you know, under the hood Microsoft Translator is powered by a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) engine.  Statistical systems are different than rule-based ones in that the….

Office 2003 setup instructions (updated)

Update: Check out the new installer you can download to make this really easy!    Following up on last week’s post on the integration of translation into Office, here are the instructions to set it up in Office 2003, for our users who do not have Office 2007.  1) Open the task pane First bring up the task pane by selecting “Task….

Office document translation (updated)

Update: Check out the new installer you can download to make this really easy!     Windows Live Translator is now integrated into Office!  One of the top features that our users ask for is simple integration of translation into Office, to translate a document quickly.  The feature is really easy to use, and you can translate a block of text or an….

New Features for July

Simplified Chinese and Spanish General Domain engines complete Last time I blogged about launching the English to Spanish language pair using our own Microsoft technology – our team has made great progress since then.  We’ve completed the Spanish bidirectional pair with Spanish to English, and launching Simplified Chinese both to and from English.  We’re going to keep adding languages in…. professional translation service now available

While our free service meets the needs of many users, the availability of fast-turnaround professional translation through ensures that the needs of those who need low-cost, high quality human translations can be met. Users of our landing page will now be able to enjoy the best of both worlds by selecting the option to upgrade from an automatic translation….