March 9, 2022
2 minute read
Whether you’re trying to bring in a little extra money or simply love your hobbies and want to share them with the world, we’re showing you how to (and how not to) manage your side projects.
If you’re taking your side gig to the next level, a little help can go a long way. Maybe you've never created a budget, sent an invoice, or created a business card—don't worry, we have templates for that.
From business cards to PowerPoint templates for presentations and proposals to invoice templates, Microsoft has plenty of options to give your files a clean and professional look. They’re easy to update and provide consistency across your business’ needs, plus they can help decrease costs and can save valuable time.
Did you know that there’s a simple way to replace those scribbled napkins with organized business thoughts? OneNote offers easy navigation, search, and color coding. You can organize tabs for things like product ideas, meeting notes, and inventory lists. Additionally, you can highlight can’t-miss notes with Important and To-Do tags.
You have partners and vendors for a reason, so make sure you’re collaborating and communicating with them. You can easily share OneNote files with others. OneNote is multi-user friendly and available both online and offline, so you have access to your information when you need it.
Special features can help you prepare in private to give more effective presentations when you’re pitching your ideas or selling your product.
Speaker coach in PowerPoint and Teams is a helpful tool that uses data and statistics to help you become a better public speaker. It can do things like evaluate your pacing, the pitch of your voice, and how often you use informal speech. A detailed data report helps you identify any issues and make positive changes.
Use these tips to help streamline your time and efforts and let yourself really enjoy your side project and share it with others.