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November 1, 2021

Keep calm and celebrate on

3 minute read

They say it’s the thought that counts. But there’s something about the holidays that make some of us feel like everything needs to be just right. And that makes it easy to forget what the spirit of the season is really about—love, peace, and togetherness.

So, if you start to feel that perfectionist itch getting in the way of your good time, try to remember that the fondest memories usually stem from the times when things didn’t go exactly as planned. Give yourself the gift of a break this year and you’ll be amazed at the joy and connection that can happen when you don’t sweat the little stuff.

Here’s to having a perfectly imperfect and wonderfully relaxed holiday season. Get started with a few calming ideas.

Read on for ways to keep the holidays more carefree.


Refresh some holiday rituals

Traditions mean a lot this time of year. But there’s no rule that says you can’t modify them to make things easier for everyone. Could you send out holiday cards without a family photo for a change? Or buy some cookies or pies instead of baking them from scratch? This year, maybe skip some of the annual traditions and instead start some new ones that everyone can help create. Gather everyone together, either in person or virtually with Microsoft Teams, and brainstorm all the things that would make a great new tradition for your family or friends! Nothing is off the table here, they’re your traditions, after all.

Get a little adventurous

There’s nothing wrong with craving something other than the classics when it comes to holiday meals. Consider mixing up your menu this year. Instead of sweating all day over the stove, you can arrange a potluck and invite guests to sign up to bring a dish via a collaborative Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for free with Office on the web—first dibs on dessert! Or consider giving your kitchen a break and supporting your favorite local restaurants instead.

You can even get your holiday meal to-go and enjoy a wonderful picnic in the park or by the beach (depending on your local weather, of course). And if there’s someone who can’t be there in person, have everyone order the same food and enjoy a little togetherness using Microsoft Teams.

By removing the constraints around what is considered a traditional holiday dinner, you might just find the freedom to create your ideal celebration.

Give the gift of freedom

Illustrated camel carrying gift packages
Presents are a big part of the holiday season, but the cost of all those gifts can quickly add up, especially for large families or friend groups. Stretch your holiday budget by offering to organize a gift exchange where everyone buys a gift for just one person. You can assign the recipients ahead of time or suggest “white elephant” gifts to alleviate the pressure of picking the perfect item. You can set spend limits, assign a theme, and even hold an event where the gifts are exchanged. This can easily be done in-person or virtually using Microsoft Teams. Just mail gifts ahead or spare yourself the line at the post office and have them shipped directly from the store. Or decide as a group to forgo gifts entirely and donate your money and/or time to a local charity instead and spend your time on Teams chatting and catching up.

Get out of town

Really get out of town. Take advantage of the extra time off at the holidays to explore a new destination. You can go on a solo excursion or roll with friends or family. It doesn’t matter if you drive a few hours or fly far away, the point is simply to experience something new and change your view. While you’re out on the road, you can share photos via Microsoft OneDrive and use Microsoft Teams to still celebrate the holiday with everyone back home.

The holiday season means something different to all of us, which is what makes it so wonderful. There’s no one way to celebrate—and there’s certainly no perfect plan. However you choose to celebrate this year, we wish you an incredible imperfect holiday!

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