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February 17, 2022

The art of networking and job searching in a virtual world

3 minute read

According to LinkedIn¹, almost 80% of professionals consider networking to be important to new job opportunities and career success, and in a remote world, it's more important than ever. Talent professionals say that virtual recruiting and networking are both here to stay, giving you more flexibility and opportunities. Read on to learn about the tips and tools that can help you improve your networking and make the most of a potential new opportunity if you’ve landed an interview.

Tap into templates

Examples of résumé templates
If you’re polishing up your résumé, sending a cover letter out, or putting together a presentation for an interview, Microsoft 365 templates make it easy to set yourself apart.

You don’t have to be a seasoned graphic designer to create an impactful recap of your work history. Resume templates from Microsoft Word can help you breathe some new creative life into your existing résumé, while cover letter templates can help you make a great first impression with a sleek and professional look

Showing the work you’ve done in past roles can be a powerful way to stand out from others while job searching online. Use PowerPoint templates to showcase a variety of screenshots or visuals of your work. Whether it’s a marketing campaign or a unique data report, sharing a portfolio of your work can bring your words to life during a virtual interview.

Prep like a pro

A little preparation can go a long way in an interview. Use Bing to research the company and role beforehand as well as some common interview questions, so you know what to expect. According to LinkedIn², studies suggest that spending 30 to 60 minutes (at minimum) getting ready for an interview can drastically improve your chances of securing a job offer. Radiate confidence by showing up to your interview informed and ready to impress the company.

Get organized and stay focused

The digital space provides an abundance of ways to make new connections, rekindle old ones, and search for new opportunities. If you’ve updated to Windows 11, you can get help to maximize your time and effort with features that help you get organized and stay on track while job searching online.

Focus assist helps you stay on track while keeping distractions at a minimum. Enable the setting to temporarily stop notifications so you can give your full attention, whether you’re simply sending a LinkedIn¹ message or have a full-on interview call.

Screen with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with graph
During that virtual interview, snap layouts are an ideal way to have the information you want right in front of you. A 3-grid layout can help you keep your résumé, a video call, and a browser visible all at the same time, so everything is in front of you. Make sure your browser has the necessary tabs open like your LinkedIn page or résumé, the website for the company you’re speaking with, and an internet search page if you need to look something up quickly.

Go after those goals

Whether you’re nurturing your network or climbing the career ladder, now you know how to prepare, show up, and impress in the digital space.

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