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June 20, 2023

How to turn your computer into a calm workspace

Like our physical workspace, the state of our digital workspace can impact our mood at work and home. Our computer desktops can ease or impede our workflow and can-do state of mind. A cluttered desktop can also be distracting, while an organized and soothing workspace can improve our focus and productivity levels. Use these tips from Windows 11 to create and maintain a mood-boosting, calm digital workspace.

Declutter your computer

Treat your digital workspace like a physical one: try to avoid letting clutter and unused files pile up. Decluttering your computer has numerous benefits. In addition to reducing stress, it can help your computer start up faster! Here are a few ways to start the decluttering process:

  • Remove unnecessary files. Go through your computer and remove any files or folders you no longer use. Remember to also empty your recycling and trash bins to free up additional space.
  • Create a folder structure. Organize your files and folders using a logical structure. Create different folders for work, personal, videos, pictures, etc. to help you find what you need quickly and keep your work and personal files separate.
  • Clean up your desktop. Remove unused files and icons from your desktop to reduce clutter and easily find what you need. Uninstall old programs and apps to helps streamline your workspace and improve performance by freeing up storage space.
  • Archive old files. Declutter your computer by archiving files you don’t use but still want to keep. Consider placing them on an external hard drive or in cloud storage. That way, they’re still accessible without slowing down your device.

Match your desktop design to the mood you want

To create a calm workspace, design your desktop background and color scheme to match the mood you’re after. Pictures of beautiful places, whether landscapes or stunning architecture, and colors like blue and green are often associated with feeling calm and promoting relaxation. Windows 11 themes personalize your background image and window colors, so opt for a natural or minimalistic theme if that’s what feels most peaceful to you.

Follow these steps to set your Windows 11 theme:

  1. Select the Windows logo key.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Personalization > Themes.
  3. Select your preferred default theme or visit the Microsoft Store to browse additional themes available for download.

Play calming music for work

Set the mood for a productive, peaceful workday by playing calm instrumental music or white noise on your computer. For many people, ambient noise and unintrusive music help reduce outside background noise while heightening focus. However, listening to music isn’t relaxing for everyone, so experiment to find the sounds (or silence) that’s most peaceful for your workspace.

For more ways to use technology to enhance your well-being and design a digital life that works for you, head to the Windows Learning Center.

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