Apr 25, 2019   |   Lukas Velush

How one Microsoft leader sparked an engineering team's transformation

When Sahil Garg set out to overhaul how Microsoft delivers procurement and payment solutions to employees and external suppliers, he had to do one important thing first—he had to get the people onboard. He needed the software engineers to work differently, to say “yes” and take a risk. He needed the support of his leadership...

Apr 23, 2019   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Microsoft adopts Azure Monitor for enterprise monitoring

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. At Microsoft, we adopted Azure monitor for enterprise monitoring. With Azure Monitor, we aligned our monitoring and alerting solution with the DevOps model to better support our app...

Apr 4, 2019   |   Idunn Wolfe

Bot set to help employees who join Microsoft via acquisition

When it comes to getting off to a fast start at Microsoft, there is a small group of new employees who have a unique set of challenges to overcome. To help them, Microsoft is turning to an equally unique source—a bot. Microsoft is committed to improving the onboarding experience of new employees who join the...