Feb 27, 2020   |   Lukas Velush

How ‘born in the cloud’ thinking is fueling Microsoft’s transformation

Microsoft wasn’t born in the cloud, but soon you won’t be able to tell. Now that it has finished “lifting and shifting” its massive internal workload to Microsoft Azure, the company is rethinking everything. “We’re rearchitecting all of our applications so that they work natively on Azure,” says Ludovic Hauduc, corporate vice president of Core...

Feb 19, 2020   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Microsoft reinvents sales processing and financial reporting with Azure

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. Moving the company’s revenue reporting platform to Microsoft Azure is giving Microsoft Digital the opportunity to redesign the platform’s infrastructure and functionality. With the major components in Azure,...

Feb 19, 2020   |   Aleenah Ansari

How Microsoft is transforming its approach to security training

In a defining moment, Microsoft employees did the right thing. Ken Sexsmith recalls waiting quietly outside a conference room for a meeting about a new approach for promoting the annual security training at Microsoft. Earlier that day, his team, which is responsible for enterprise-wide digital security education, training, and awareness, was running a company-wide phishing...

Feb 5, 2020   |   Chloe Wattles

How Microsoft sped up Windows updates for its employees

It would be an understatement to say that Vidya Iyer wants installing updates to Windows to be easy for Microsoft employees. “Our goal is to make the reboot feel like a non-event,” says Iyer, who is helping transform the way Windows updates occur inside Microsoft. “We’re not there yet, but we’re getting really close.” For...