Apr 30, 2020   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Reducing friction throughout the device lifecycle at Microsoft

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. Through the Frictionless Devices initiative, Microsoft is minimizing hardware and software interruptions, improving the user’s experience, and increasing intelligence and controls for both users and IT pros. Microsoft...

Apr 21, 2020   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Transforming enterprise collaboration at Microsoft

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. At Microsoft, we’re transforming how our employees work together. Our vision for seamless teamwork is using Microsoft 365 to create productive, aligned teams and engage employees with leadership...

Apr 2, 2020   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Migrating critical financial systems to Microsoft Azure

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. Microsoft Digital migrated an on-premises infrastructure of more than 150 servers in a staged process to a cloud-native configuration hosted in Azure virtual machines. The new, cloud-based Mercury...