May 20, 2020   |   Aleenah Ansari

Rethinking how Microsoft launches its products and services

Maryleen Emeric, a director of operations in Microsoft Business Operations (MBO), knows that it’s challenging to transform a process that’s vital to people’s day-to-day work. Emeric launches new business models as well as sales and commerce capabilities that inform how Microsoft goes to market with third-party device partners. To be successful, she puts people at...

May 7, 2020   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Modern engineering fuels Microsoft’s transformation

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. After Microsoft tackled the easy stuff, digital transformation got harder. Just ask Mary McHale. McHale is the principal PM group manager for the Fundamentals Team in Microsoft Digital....