Oct 27, 2021   |   Josh Krenz

Boosting Microsoft’s transaction platform by migrating to Microsoft Azure

Migrating to Microsoft Azure was just what Microsoft needed to transform its massive purchasing system. The Commerce Transaction Platform (CTP) that the company depended on heavily for more than 20 years was a powerhouse, but it was aging—the Commerce and Ecosystem (C&E) team that managed it needed to move it to the cloud to get...

Oct 21, 2021   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Powering hybrid work at Microsoft: A conversation with Andrew Wilson and Nathalie D’Hers

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. Hybrid work requires a change in mindset, culture, and technology, creating challenges and opportunities as Microsoft empowers employee productivity from anywhere. When it comes to embracing hybrid work...

Oct 6, 2021   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Microsoft transforms customer returns with new supply chain infrastructure

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. When ownership of returns and repairs at Microsoft shifted hands, Microsoft Digital saw an opportunity to transform the supply chain infrastructure supporting those services. Microsoft’s Customer Repair Experience...

Oct 4, 2021   |   Inside Track – retired stories

Microsoft Australia paves way for companywide Microsoft Teams Phone Voice transformation

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft. November 2019 was a perfect time for Microsoft Digital, the organization that powers, transforms, and protects Microsoft, to re-evaluate Microsoft’s telephony solution. The Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice solution...