Driving Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption with an assist from Microsoft Viva


We’re using Microsoft Viva to amplify, connect, and measure our internal Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption.

Effective adoption doesn’t happen by accident.

It takes a coordinated effort that includes executive sponsorship, education, engagement, measurement, and more. When you deploy a next-generation AI technology like Microsoft 365 Copilot that introduces whole new ways of working, getting that process right is especially important.

Fortunately, Microsoft Viva provides a powerful suite of tools that are well suited to support our internal Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption.

New ways of working demand a modern approach to adoption

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an entirely new concept in workplace technology. Still, some adoption principles hold true no matter the tool you’re adopting.

“For any adoption strategy, the first thing we look at is the behavioral change we’re really trying to drive,” says David Laves, a director of business programs in Microsoft Digital, the company’s IT organization. “We’re looking for the key messages and value-added scenarios that will really stoke excitement for our users.”

From there, we strategize the vectors that will be most effective.

It starts with an assessment that identifies the key parameters of the change. That includes several questions. Who’s impacted? How extensive is the change? What are the barriers? What are the benefits? And most importantly, what’s in it for the individual user?

“It can be a challenge to get access to our entire user base because of competing priorities,” says Kevin Wooldridge, a senior director of Experiences and Devices in Microsoft Digital. “Everyone has their own business goals and metrics they need to hit, and they need to know how Copilot will specifically improve their lives.”

The sheer size of our Copilot adoption efforts—early this year we completed a company-wide rollout stretching across all 300,000 Microsoft employees and vendors—meant that any change management efforts needed to operate at a massive scale while accounting for a phased approach that included pilot programs and organization-by-organization activations.

“Take the Greater China region as an example,” says Kai Cheng, business program manager for Microsoft 365 Copilot in Microsoft Digital. “We have around 19,000 employees and vendors in our region, working across thirteen different organizations, so communication is always a big challenge for us.”

Driving Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption using Microsoft Viva

Our approach to deploying Microsoft 365 Copilot focuses on three main objectives:

  • Raise awareness and educate: We’re helping our employees build critical AI skills, learn about Copilot capabilities, and inform them about the elements of AI and other Copilot experiences they can start using today.
  • Drive excitement and user engagement: We’re building excitement and confidence in employees’ ability to use Copilot by offering specific scenarios to help them understand responsible and effective AI use.
  • Encourage feedback and track adoption: We’re gathering feedback and monitoring progress through both self-reporting and monitoring tools to understand opportunities for further growth.

Microsoft Viva provides ample opportunities to approach these goals across multiple apps. Two different aspects of the suite deliver a powerful advantage for change management at scale. First, Viva’s multimodality accommodates a diverse range of employee preferences for communication and engagement. Second, it offers opportunities for decentralized sponsorship and peer-to-peer support, giving organizational leaders and employee champions the chance to drive role-specific value for their colleagues.

“Copilot is a very new technology,” Cheng says. “As an employee, all the people you work with are experimenting at the same time, so it’s very easy for us to use Viva to build a social learning culture where people can grow together.”

We execute against our adoption goals by working according to Prosci’s ADKAR method, which breaks down into the five iterative stages of awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement. Different Viva apps have different roles in that model.

Accelerating Microsoft 365 Copilot with Viva

Viva Connections

Sharing key news related to deployment and enablement, generating “buzz,” and tying Copilot to Microsoft culture.

Viva Amplify

Producing and efficiently distributing employee communications to build awareness and excitement.

Viva Learning

Courses and training for our employees on how to maximize value from Copilot, inclusive of building effective prompts.

Viva Goals

Establishing and tracking Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) focused on employee Copilot usage and productivity gains.

Viva Engage

Actively engaging employees, providing leader updates, listening to feedback, and enabling Champs community.

Viva Insights

Using the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard beta to identity actionable insights and usage trends.

Viva Pulse

Instant feedback from employees on their Copilot experience to fine-tune our landing and adoption approach.

Viva Glint

Understanding employee sentiment and gauging the overall effectiveness of our Copilot deployment effort.

Viva Amplify

A robust communication strategy includes both centralized, company-wide messaging and executive sponsorship. Leadership from within individual business groups, regional subsidiaries, and teams offers employees a familiar, trusted voice and tailors adoption efforts to specific organizational priorities and ways of working.

Viva Amplify is the ideal tool for these kinds of communications. Internally, we use it to distribute turnkey assets executive sponsors can use to promote awareness and desire.

“With Viva Amplify, we can run campaigns using templates,” Wooldridge says. “So, we save lots of productivity time for executives and their managers because we’ve created pre-packaged communications they can adapt to their organizations’ needs.”

This approach has been so effective internally that we’ve created a Copilot Deployment Kit for our customers to use in Viva Amplify. It provides a pre-built campaign, a brief to outline of the overall strategy, and tools for reporting and measuring success.

Viva Learning

David Laves (left to right), Tanya Roberts, and Kevin Wooldridge are part of the Microsoft Digital team driving company-wide Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption using Microsoft Viva, while Ju Bu and Kai Cheng support adoption efforts in the Greater China Region.

Building knowledge and ability are crucial, and Viva Learning is our workhorse app for equipping employees with Copilot know-how. It’s especially useful for employees who prefer self-directed, asynchronous, or gamified learning over facilitated training. It was an essential inclusion in our initial readiness communications, giving employees an early look at Copilot capabilities and providing preliminary skilling opportunities.

“Viva Learning made it possible to pick and choose the most frequently viewed or used learning assets across several different categories,” says Ju Bu, business program manager for Microsoft Digital in our Greater China Region. “For example, you can pull together pieces about working with content in Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook, and package that material into a unified learning path.”

The ability in Viva Learning to both create instructional modules and pull them in from different sources made assembling a Copilot learning path straightforward and easy to adapt as the technology grew. Out of that internal experience, we constructed the Microsoft Copilot Academy, now available to our customers.

Viva Engage

Of all the apps in the suite, Viva Engage has been the most impactful by far. It taps into the peer-to-peer support and role-based specificity that employees need for Copilot to drive value in their individual work. Like Viva Learning, it enhances employees’ knowledge and ability, just with a more relational, community-driven touch. It also ignites desire by showcasing how power users are saving time and maximizing productivity through AI.

For our Copilot adoption efforts, we leaned on our Copilot Champs Community—a dedicated group of 3,000 early adopters, AI enthusiasts, and peer leaders. Through community posts, ongoing conversations, and self-driven knowledge sharing in Viva Engage, their efforts turned into a powerful organic groundswell, with employees sharing prompts and advice on their own.

Viva Engage also gets to the heart of role-specific value. It enables peers who understand their colleagues’ work to share specific content with them that will help them do their jobs. It also eliminates bottlenecks associated with more broad-based communication models—for example, deploying centralized adoption communications to change cohorts containing thousands of employees and receiving overwhelming email responses.

“Between Viva Amplify and Viva Engage, these multiple touchpoints help employees tailor adoption content to their preferences,” Bu says. “It puts them at the center of our efforts because they can pick and choose the vectors that are most applicable to them.”

Viva Glint and Viva Pulse

Keeping our finger on the pulse of the user experience helps us reinforce usage and address any issues. Viva Glint and Viva Pulse help us uncover qualitative insights from employees through questionnaires and surveys.

Viva Glint provides change leaders with organization-wide, dashboard-based insights and analytics rooted in people science. Meanwhile, Viva Pulse provides opportunities for more rapid and localized feedback at the manager level.

“Any business transformation is a process of experimentation,” Laves says. “Glint and Pulse are our most powerful tools for capturing feedback to see how those experiments are progressing.”

Throughout our Copilot adoption process, we discovered which kinds of data are most valuable for transformation specialists and managers. Through those efforts, we assembled the Microsoft 365 Copilot Impact survey templates for both Viva Pulse and Viva Glint.

These templates helped our internal teams gather user insights, opportunities for employee empowerment, the impact of Copilot on day-to-day work, and success stories. If you’re unsure of which qualitative data is most important or how to gather it, they’re a fantastic place to start.

Viva Insights

Effective adoption relies on robust measurement. When you combine qualitative and quantitative data, you get powerful results.

“What we try to do is marry what the user says through qualitative feedback with what they do through usage data and other metrics,” Laves says. “If users say they’re having pain, we want to see how that affects usage.”

Viva Insights enables this kind of visibility for both company-wide change leaders and more localized managers. At Microsoft, we’ve mostly used this tool to track usage across different apps like Word or Outlook. From there, we can return to Glint and Pulse to dig deeper into what’s happening.

Our internal efforts helped inform the Microsoft 365 Copilot Dashboard powered by Viva Insights. This out-of-the-box feature provides privacy-protected data throughout every stage of your Copilot transformation journey and can help you understand its impact across meetings, email, chat, documents, search, and more.

Viva Goals

Our intent with Microsoft Viva Goals is to enhance the experience of both individual users and entire departments by providing a clear, structured approach to goal management, encouraging individuals to understand how their daily work accrues to organizational objectives. 

Viva Goals also helps with cross-department alignment, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objectives. This alignment fosters better collaboration and reduces silos. Managers can use dashboards to monitor team progress, identify bottlenecks, make informed decisions, and celebrate achievements by their team.

“As part of our strategic approach to drive adoption, we agreed on clear Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that we used to measure Copilot adoption,” Woolridge says. “For example, we set a target for the specific percentage of active users that we were looking for within a quarter. We aligned these success measures with specific business objectives we have in specific geos and regions.”

Our OKRs are regularly tracked—we use them to report our progress and to adjust our adoption strategies based on feedback and performance data.

Getting meta: Using Copilot to help us use Viva to drive Copilot adoption

Kirk Koenigsbauer is chief operating officer of the Microsoft Experiences and Devices Group.

Bringing Microsoft Viva and Microsoft 365 Copilot together has been a potent combination for us.

“Microsoft Viva is a powerful tool for fueling Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption,” says Kirk Koenigsbauer, chief operating officer of the Microsoft Experiences and Devices Group. “It gets to the core of AI adoption: enhancing people’s ability to work in new ways through genuine digital transformation that ensures you’re getting the return on investment you want.”

Getting a little meta with our Copilot adoption efforts, our change management professionals have been able to use Copilot in Viva to boost their Copilot adoption efforts.

Our team frequently leans on Copilot for help writing Viva Amplify and Viva Engage posts. Its translation abilities also make it much easier to disseminate communications to different disciplines or regions on a global scale.

Writing support is just the beginning.

The skill of Copilot as an assistant with intelligent access to company data and repositories makes searching and summarization a breeze. In Viva Learning, change leaders can ask Copilot for tailored content suggestions. And when reviewing Viva Glint and Viva Pulse results, Copilot can pick out common themes or trends to help researchers understand usage and feedback more easily.

“Utilizing Copilot within Viva Engage helps employees uplevel their communications and increase their reach and impact. It encourages those who are more reluctant to post as now they have Copilot to help,” says Tanya Roberts, a PM in Microsoft Digital. “Some people don’t gravitate toward engagement forums, so bringing Copilot in to brainstorm different ways of activating employees is a real help.”

As a result, the engagement level within our Viva Engage Copilot Community has increased, and as such, is subsequently increasing the adoption of Copilot by embracing Copilot throughout Microsoft 365.

Different aspects of Microsoft Viva will be best suited for different employees, but the most important lesson has been that it isn’t just an HR or employee engagement suite. It’s a way to meet people where they work to drive organizational goals in the modality that works best for them.

The results for our Copilot adoption have been incredibly powerful. During a one-month Microsoft Viva campaign in the Greater China Region, we saw usage expand by as much as 20%. And that’s just one portion of our global workforce.

“If you’re really serious about Copilot usage in your company and environment, Viva is a powerful tool for accelerating adoption,” Koenigsbauer says. “It gets to the core of AI adoption: enhancing people’s ability to work in new ways through genuine digital transformation that ensures you’re getting the return on investment you want.”

Key Takeaways

Here are some tips on how to get started with using Microsoft Viva to help you deploy and drive adoption of Microsoft 365 Copilot:

  • If you’re rolling Copilot out to your audience, consider the hero scenarios that will work best for their roles, then provide thought starters.
  • This is as much a cultural change as it is a technical change. It’s important to work in partnership with HR and organizational leaders who understand their team culture, what they value, and their best communication channels.
  • Be sure you have readiness material prepared. When people start getting their licenses, they’ll be able to access learning opportunities and informational content so they can hit the ground running.
  • Take the opportunity to connect with employees genuinely by capturing two-way feedback around where the value is, where the opportunities are, and what blockers people are experiencing.
  • Take advantage of a diversified channel communication strategy as much as possible. It provides multiple touchpoints for employees to help land your change.
Try it out

Ready to experience Microsoft 365 Copilot? Get started here.
