Enabling hybrid work internally at Microsoft with ‘digital fabric’ Microsoft Teams


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Microsoft Teams is enabling seamless collaboration in the hybrid workplace internally at Microsoft.

Microsoft Digital video

In the most recent episode of our Inside Track “Spotlight” video series, Microsoft Inside Track leader Keith Boyd talks to Claire Sisson, a principal group program manager in Microsoft Digital, as well as Sara Bush, a principal program manager and member of her team, about the different ways that Microsoft Teams is digitally transforming the employee experience at Microsoft.

In the video you’ll discover how Microsoft Teams is more than platform for video-based meetings—it’s Microsoft’s “digital fabric” that enables our employees to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of where they are. You’ll also learn about Microsoft Teams Premium, Microsoft Teams Mesh, get some tips for more effective and inclusive hybrid meetings, as well as learn about some of the features in Teams that maybe you weren’t aware of but will be glad you discovered thanks to some helpful tips from Claire and Sara.


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