May 13, 2024   |   Lukas Velush

Shifting left to get accessibility right at Microsoft

At Microsoft, we’ve learned the best way to get accessibility right is to shift left. “We need to think about accessibility before we start any of our work, before we write any line of code, at every step of our development lifecycle,” says Patrice Pelland, partner software engineering director for Microsoft Digital (MSD), the company’s...

Feb 5, 2024   |   Lukas Velush

Get Microsoft’s tips for partnering with your works councils

Microsoft has hundreds of thousands of employees around the world. To support their work, we need to ensure we meet their needs, honor their concerns, and set up the best possible environments for their success. In parts of Europe, our relationships with employees are governed by works councils, and they’re key players in all new...

Oct 26, 2023   |   Alex Fleck

Microsoft workers’ council partnerships boost the company’s product and service rollouts

Ensuring compliance doesn’t have to be a roadblock—just ask the Microsoft workers’ council in Germany. This group of employee representatives has partnered with their employer, Microsoft, to speed up how the company develops and deploys new products and services to its employees, a story that resonates with customers who have similar challenges at their companies....