Dr. Brian A. Levine is not only an ob/gyn and infertility specialist, but also the technology editor for Contemporary Ob/Gyn magazine. I recently caught up with him to learn how his Microsoft Surface tablet is helping him be more productive and improve patient satisfaction.
This is part two of a two-part blog series covering the highlights from my conversation with Sean O’Connor, Executive Director of Information Services at Grady Health System.
Over the past year on this blog, my team and I have talked a lot about the exciting opportunities today’s technology innovations are creating in the manufacturing world—the opportunities for manufacturers to improve operations, to reinvent productivity, to more quickly bring products to market, and even to completely transform business models.
Grady Health System faced a challenge shared by health organizations the world over. How could it provide appropriate access to its Epic EMR system for full-time and temporary staff members more efficiently, while maintaining compliance?
Today banking organizations need solutions that allow them to deliver amazing customer experiences while also improving productivity and organizational agility.
Chief Constable’s singular vision, a constabulary’s commitment to technology and an innovative software company combined to create game-changing new software for Officers. Shown in public for the first time at the Home Office Security and Policing exhibition, the solution – built end-to-end with Microsoft technologies – created quite an impression.
Leading analyst firm Gartner believes that cloud-based productivity tools have matured to the point that most organizations should seriously consider moving their collaboration and communication system to cloud-based deployment models