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5 min read

Microsoft solutions are transforming the mining industry with data and AI 

To accelerate transformation and achieve rapid benefits from new advances in technology, miners can adopt solutions like the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform. With a single, flexible platform for databases, analytics, AI, and data governance, mining organizations can quickly improve agility and maximize the value of their data while minimizing cost and complexity.

11 min read

How AI helps Microsoft partners innovate across industries 

AI is reinventing customer engagement where every connection adds value to the customer relationship, enriching employee experiences to help people be more creative in their work, and reshaping business processes. Read about how Microsoft partners across industries are accelerating innovation with AI.

5 min read

Enlit Europe 2023: Partner with Microsoft to accelerate carbon free energy 

The Microsoft Energy and Resources team is excited to be participating in Enlit Europe 2023 alongside our customers and partners who are supporting the acceleration of the energy transition, grid modernization, and decarbonization while delivering the technology and platforms that enable digital transformation.

5 min read

Powering the energy transition with AI and collaborative partnerships 

While global energy demand continues to rise, tackling the trilemma of energy security, equity, and the climate crisis remains one of our greatest challenges. The topic continues to be front and center for leaders, and the main theme at industry events.

<1 min read

Unlock the power of Azure Data Manager for Energy with partners 

Now with Azure Data Manager for Energy, energy-domain data resides in the same place as some of the most advanced AI technologies and cloud services. Energy companies can now have the improved productivity, security, and scale of a cloud platform, built with their needs in mind.

6 min read

Announcing general availability of Azure Data Manager for Energy   

We’re pleased to announce general availability of Azure Data Manager for Energy. Designed to help energy companies accelerate digital innovation, Azure Data Manager for Energy is an open, fully-managed OSDU™ Data Platform service powered by the Microsoft Cloud.