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Save an email to OneNote with just a tap!

Today’s post is written by Chirag, Product Marketer at CloudMagic.  CloudMagic has developed a way to save an email to OneNote with just a tap!   

You receive a lot of information over email that is note-worthy. Saving those emails to OneNote is now just a tap away with the CloudMagic Mail App.  Read on to learn more and where to download the app for iOS or Android with OneNote.

CloudMagic’s email app uses Cards to connect your mobile Inbox with a host of popular business tools.  With the OneNote Card, you can create a Quick Note with a single tap and gather all your important emails in one place.  Whether it’s an invoice, a recipe or an important customer email, just use CloudMagic’s OneNote Card and keep everything with you.

Give it a shot right away! Download the CloudMagic app for iOS or Android devices and make sure you have OneNote from

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