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Microsoft 365

Jared Spataro Posts

Jared Spataro headshot
Jared Spataro
Corporate Vice President, AI at Work
4 min read

Three new voice features for Outlook mobile—now on iOS, and coming soon to Android 

If you feel like you are juggling more meetings, emails, and chats than ever, you’re probably right—and you’re certainly not alone. In our recent Work Trend Index annual report, Microsoft shared data that clearly illustrated how the digital intensity of workers’ days has increased substantially. Email is no exception—the number of emails delivered to commercial
2 min read

One year in: 7 urgent trends for leaders in the shift to hybrid work 

In April 2020—just a month into a global pandemic that triggered a worldwide move to remote work—my team and I shared early research on how work was changing. There was so much we didn’t know back then, but we did know there was no going back. As I said at the time, “This moment will change the way we work and connect with each other forever.”