University of Southern Denmark chooses Microsoft 365 Education for security

From 2014 through 2018, attackers compromised the computer systems of 320 universities worldwide and stole 30 terabytes of research data. As a highly regarded research institution, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) has valuable intellectual property to protect, making it a prime target for cybercriminals. Much of the university’s data—medical and pharmaceutical research, patients’ health records, and research on robotics and other cutting-edge technology—falls within classified categories that require protection as specified by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

From 2014 through 2018, attackers compromised the computer systems of 320 universities worldwide and stole 30 terabytes of research data. As a highly regarded research institution, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) has valuable intellectual property to protect, making it a prime target for cybercriminals. Much of the university’s data—medical and pharmaceutical research, patients’ health records, and research on robotics and other cutting-edge technology—falls within classified categories that require protection as specified by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To manage these very real threats, SDU revamped its infrastructure with Microsoft 365 Education, which includes built-in security for faculty, staff, data, devices and applications. The university’s IT security team uses the automated detection, analysis and remediation features to greatly reduce the number of alerts that require action. By moving to Microsoft 365, SDU has strengthened security for its sensitive data stores without slowing employees’ work.

“We chose Microsoft 365 because there wasn’t anything else like it,” IT Security Specialist Bo S. Dreier says. ”At the time, other vendors had an old-fashioned, signature-based, reactive approach.” Dreier, who has responsibility for safeguarding a network with 6,000 faculty members and other employees, adds, “I like the way Microsoft uses machine learning to constantly analyze the collected data set from our roughly 5,000 devices to detect old and new threat abnormalities.”

See the full story here.

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