• 4 min read

Extend summer learning with a free game from Microsoft

Decorative. An early-teenage student using a digital pen to work on a laptop. The photo is framed by purple, teal, and light green graphic designs, including a leaping frog holding a dice.
Our free summer learning game, Leaps and Logs, offers a variety of fun and engaging resources to keep students thinking, collaborating, and building skills until the first day of school!

While many students in the northern hemisphere are enjoying their summer break, they don’t have to stop learning. Our free summer learning game, Leaps and Logs, offers a variety of fun and engaging resources to keep students thinking, collaborating, and building skills until the first day of school. Use Leaps and Logs as an exciting way to extend summer learning and help kids prepare to head back to the classroom!

The game allows kids aged 8 or older to challenge a friend, neighbor, family member, or themselves. Players can complete fun challenge tasks from a variety of categories including:

  • English Language Arts
  • Art and music
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Math
  • Coding

These tasks are designed to reach and engage every learner, from aspiring coders to reluctant comic artists. Keep learning going this summer with our free Leaps and Logs game! Download Leaps and Logs to get started with summer learning activities from Microsoft Education.

Play digitally or on paper

The learning activities in Leaps and Logs can be completed by students of most ages (age 8 or older recommended). Players may aim to complete one or two rounds of play a day, continuing their game play until the start of the new school year.

Decorative. Demonstration of uploading a PDF game board to Microsoft Whiteboard and creating shapes to use as game pieces.
Upload the Leaps and Logs gameboard to Microsoft Whiteboard and use shapes or images as game pieces.

Leaps and Logs is versatile and can be played digitally or on paper. Full game directions and a game board can be found by downloading Leaps and Logs.

  • Playing digitally involves downloading the game board and task lists then uploading them into Microsoft Whiteboard.
  • Playing on paper involves downloading and printing the game board. The challenge tasks can also be printed, but students will need a digital version to access the embedded links.

Also, check out some tips for sharing the game with students in our blog post Leap into summer learning with a game from Microsoft.

Join the fun and continue learning

To help you get started, we’re highlighting a few of the fun learning activities in the Leaps and Logs game. Explore ways kids can have a blast while letting their creativity shine as they learn and grow!

Create a comic book in 5 easy steps

Decorative. Comic book panels featuring teenage male and female characters. The panels are framed by graphics, the Microsoft Copilot logo, and the Microsoft PowerPoint logo. The image says, “Channel your inner artist with Microsoft PowerPoint. Brainstorm comic book storylines with Microsoft Copilot, then use inking tools and images to bring them to life.”
Use the Manga comic maker template for PowerPoint to design a comic book.

Try your hand at creating your own manga-style comic book. Dazzle your friends and family with thousands of graphics and animations that make your comic come alive!

  1. Create a short outline of your story or brainstorm a storyline with Microsoft Copilot.1
  2. Open the Microsoft PowerPoint comic template.
  3. Go to New Slide and select a comic layout.
  4. Customize your frames with colors, characters, and text.
  5. Share your story!

Build your own instrument and hold a concert

Decorative. A child and teenager in front of an open laptop working on a craft or STEM project together. Both are males. The photo is framed by graphics and the Microsoft Copilot logo. The image says, “DIY an instrument with Microsoft Copilot. Ask Copilot for steps to build your favorite instrument using home materials.” There’s also a prompt in Copilot that says, “Create steps to build a clarinet from everyday materials that you’d find in a hardware store.”
Design and build your own instrument using common household items.

Express your musical creativity by building a musical instrument using items you have at home. Then set the stage and entertain everyone with your DIY creation!

  1. Ask Copilot1 for steps to build your favorite instrument or get inspiration from homemade musical instruments other people have made.
  2. Gather the supplies and items you’ll need to make the instrument.
  3. Follow the steps to build your instrument.
  4. Test your instrument by playing a song.
  5. Hold a concert or recital!

Create a plan to improve your community

Decorative. Video game scenes showing a student and way path signs in one frame, and an aerial view of a neighborhood in another frame. There are graphic designs around the frames and the iCivics logo. The image says, “Play the Neighborhood Good game in iCivics and create a plan of action to improve your community.”
Devise an action plan for community improvement by playing the Neighborhood Good game from iCivics.

Enhance your neighborhood by making plans to improve your community. Learn how to create an action plan with the Neighborhood Good game from iCivics.

  1. Visit https://www.icivics.org/games/neighborhood-good
  2. Select “New Game.”
  3. Pick an issue that resonates with you and your community.
  4. Make a plan of action by playing the game and then choosing the Who, What, and How details.
  5. Share your plan with people in your community!

Recreate a famous landmark in Minecraft Education

Decorative. Minecraft block style Egyptian pyramids, the Sphinx, the Eiffel Tower, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa framed by graphics. It also shows the Minecraft, Minecraft Education, and Microsoft Teams logos. The image says, “Research famous landmarks with Search Coach in Microsoft Teams for Education and build a digital version in Minecraft Education’s Replicating Landmarks world.
Recreate a famous landmark in the Replicating Landmarks world in Minecraft Education.

Teach and learn with Minecraft Education

Start your journey

Explore the world by researching famous landmarks. Use Seach Coach in Microsoft Teams for Education learn about a landmark and build a digital version of it in Minecraft Education.

  1. Choose a famous landmark you want to learn more about.
  2. With your school account, use Search Coach in Microsoft Teams for Education to research the landmark.
  3. Plan your replica from at least two different angles on paper.
  4. Explore and build the landmark with the Replicating Landmarks world from Minecraft Education.
  5. Share what you learned by building it with your friends and family!

Continue learning all summer long with these fun and engaging activities. Curious about the other challenge tasks included in Leaps and Logs? Explore the game to see how students can build AI-powered inventions in Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI, personalize their own story using Reading Coach online, or organize a trip within a specific budget using Microsoft Copilot.1 There are a variety of tasks to choose from that will encourage students to be creative and think critically.

Keep kids entertained this summer and help them prepare for a new school year with our free Leaps and Logs game! Download Leaps and Logs to get started with summer learning activities from Microsoft Education.

1 Students under 18 years of age will not have access to Microsoft Copilot and will need adult supervision to access these activities.